Leipuri-kondiittori, kolmen lapsen äiti ja asun Helsingissä, Puistolassa. Tärkein asia tietää minusta on, että rakastan todella paljon työtäni.
Kakut ovat kaikkeni: harrastukseni, työni ja rakkauteni. Ne ovat jääkaapissani, puhelimessani, ajatuksissani, suunnitelmissani ja haaveissani. Minun kakkumaniani on riippuvuutta.
Valmistuin Turussa vuonna 2017. Minulla on ollut onni saada työskennellä suurissa konditorioissa ja saada mukaan paljon tietotaitoa ja osaamista. Olen tiennyt ja haaveillut valmistumisestani lähtien, että perustan oman pienen yrityksen, koska kondiittorin työ on kutsumusammattini, jota toteutan koko sydämestäni. Olen alani mestari ja laitan jokaiseen kakkuun mukaan pienen palan sydämestäni.
When ordering, please state the following in order to find out your wishes as precisely as possible (cake size, base, filling and icing wishes, food allergies and decoration wishes). Also check out the filling options and price list on the website.
I always receive emails within 1-2 days. For large cake orders over € 400, the booking fee is 50%, which will be deducted from the total amount of the order. The booking fee is non-refundable, if the customer cancels the order and notifies with a really short booking time, the transfer of the party can be negotiated. If I have to cancel the order, the full deposit will be refunded. No other compensation.
I will always quote the final price before confirming the order. After confirmation, I will email you an invoice / payment details to pay for your order. You should also check your spam if the invoice is lost. Failure to pay the invoice will automatically cancel the order.
Please note that inquiries about the price of the cake, etc. are not reservations. Payment is also possible with Mobilepay and cash (last minute orders)
Cakes are always packed in cake boxes and cake trays. In your own car, the best place to transport the cake is the trunk, where the cake stays straight during transport. Responsibility for transporting the products passes to the customer. Please inform us if you are late for the agreed pick-up time.
For wedding cakes, I recommend ordering transport through me directly to the party venue so that the cold chain stays unbroken and especially the larger layer cakes are challenging to transport in a car. Shuttle service is available at an additional cost.
The recommended consuming time for cakes is 2-3 days after picking up, if the cold chain has been preserved during transport and storage. Is good to bring the cake to room temperature about 30 minutes before serving. The product is non-refundable.
: All products are made in a home bakery approved for food.
: On Sundays, I don’t reply to emails or the phone at all.
: Cereals and nuts are also processed in the same space.
: Request a quote for larger orders